This caramel popcorn recipe is the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. The best because it means my Friday night sugar cravings can be sated within mere minutes and the worst, well because by Friday night sugar cravings I mean Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night sugar cravings... whoops. To put it simply, this caramel popcorn is so irresistibly scrumptious that it takes one batch to become addicted. So precede with caution because I am about to corrupt you.
- 100g butter
- 1/4 cup of golden syrup
- 1 cup of caster sugar
- 1 tsp of salt
- 1/3 cup of popping corn
- Pop your corn. I use an electric air popper but if you don't have one you can cook your popcorn by heating a small amount of oil in a pot. Once the oil is hot add you corn and take off the heat once popping slows. Once your corn is popped lay it out on a tray ready to pour your caramel over.
- add your butter, golden syrup, caster sugar and salt to a small pot and melt on a high heat. continue to stir your caramel until it boils. It's important when making your caramel that you cook it for long enough. Not long enough and it wont set, too long and it will burn - neither are desirable. You want to cook your caramel until it boils viciously and changes to a dark richer colour (see above). Then quickly take off the heat, pour over your popcorn and combine until all the popcorn is covered.
- Place in fridge and allow to cool.

Zoe xx