Monday 18 July 2016

Printable FRIENDS quotes - Pheobe Buffay

It's an undisputed fact that Friend's is the greatest sitcom of all time. My last Friend's themed blog post, a DIY on how to make Monica's yellow peephole frame, went down so well, that I thought it was time for round 2. I am most delighted to present to you, my next Friends themed blog series. Over the next six weeks I will be posting printable/ frame-able funky graphics featuring five different quotes from each Friends character. This week, I'm kicking it off with some classic Phoebe one-liners.

1. Oh no...

2. Oh, I wish I could, but I don't want to 

3. "Do you have a 'plan'"
    " I don't even have a 'pla'"

4. "Get out of the bitter barn and play in the hay"

5. "Your love is like a giant pigeon crapping on my heart"

Zoë xx


Friday 1 July 2016

DIY refurbished sweetheart mirror

Nothing, for me, beats the feeling of satisfaction that comes with finding a seriously good op- shop bargain. A few months ago, I was, not unusually, rummaging through one of the op- shops in my local area in the hopes I would stagger upon a hidden thrifty gem. Alas, moments later I found myself clutching a certain treasure in the form of an old sweetheart mirror. Not being able to resist temptation I, of course, made a bank breaking purchase of $12 and added this beauty to my dangerously accumulating and unfortunately stagnant collection of to-be-completed furniture. Months later, I've dilly-dallied around a bit and ended up with something I'm quite chuffed with. I decided to go with a pale bluey-green colour all over (not at all predictable) in the shade  'turquoise mist' by Taubmans. As much as I love this little sweetheart mirror, I see it being much more at home in a little girl's room or nursery and thus, I will be selling it in the coming weeks. 

Happy op -shopping! 

Zoë xx


Friday 18 March 2016

Soft Double Choc Brownie Cookies

Every now and then I'll be hit with a super strong craving that I can't resist. Whether it be, a margarita pizza, a milkshake, a pickle or a cheese toastie, if I want it badly enough I have to have it.  About a week ago I found myself longing for a warm batch of soft, oozy chocolate biscuits and, of course, began rapidly googling to find the recipe best suited to my desires. To my delight I stumbled upon a recipe for soft batch double chocolate chip cookies on , whipped up a batch and drifted off into chocolate cookie heaven. These chocolate chip biscuit/ brownie hybrid cookies are so decadent but soooo good I just had to share them.


For your Double Choc Brownie Cookies you will need:

  • 145g of softened butter 
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar 
  • 1/4 cup caster sugar 
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp of vanilla
  • 1 cup of plain flour 
  • 2/3 of dark cocoa 
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder 
  • 1 cup of chocolate chips 
  1. Cream butter and sugar together until pale and creamy, then add egg and vanilla and beat until combined.
  2. Sift in dry ingredient and mix on a low speed until combined.
  3. Add in chocolate chips and mix thoroughly. 
  4. Cover bowl and refrigerate for 2hrs or until firm enough to role. If you're impatient like me, you can pop you bowl in the freezer for half the amount of time. This is an important step as this is what makes you cookies, soft and brownie-ish, if you don't refrigerate your dough your cookies will go splat in the oven (something we would like to avoid).
  5. Once you dough is chilled, roll out tablespoonfuls of dough into balls and place them on a lined baking tray. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 10-12 minutes or until the cookies are just set.
  6. allow to cool for a few minutes and enjoy! 

Zoë xx

Monday 1 February 2016

The Best Caramel Popcorn

This caramel popcorn recipe is the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. The best because it means my Friday night sugar cravings can be sated within mere minutes and the worst, well because by Friday night sugar cravings I mean Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night sugar cravings... whoops. To put it simply, this caramel popcorn is so irresistibly scrumptious that it takes one batch to become addicted. So precede with caution because I am about to corrupt you. 

  • 100g butter 
  • 1/4 cup of golden syrup
  • 1 cup of caster sugar 
  • 1 tsp of salt 
  • 1/3 cup of popping corn  

  1. Pop your corn. I use an electric air popper but if you don't have one you can cook your popcorn by heating a small amount of oil in a pot. Once the oil is hot add you corn and take off the heat once popping slows. Once your corn is popped lay it out on a tray ready to pour your caramel over. 
  2. add your butter, golden syrup, caster sugar and salt to a small pot and melt on a high heat. continue to stir your caramel until it boils. It's important when making your caramel that you cook it for long enough. Not long enough and it wont set, too long and it will burn - neither are desirable. You want to cook your caramel until it boils viciously and changes to a dark richer colour (see above). Then quickly take off the heat, pour over your popcorn and combine until all the popcorn is covered. 
  3. Place in fridge and allow to cool.


Zoe xx


Thursday 22 October 2015

Rice Bubble Marshmallow Slice

If your in need for a quick and mighty delicious snack this three ingredient rice bubble slice is the perfect recipe. 

You will need:

- 1 280g packet of Marshmallows
- 70g of butter
- 4 cups of rice bubble


1. Melt butter in a pan
2. Once melted add in marshmallow and stir until completely melted
3. Add in rice bubble and stir until consistent
4. Turn out into line pan and press flat with the back of a spoon
5. refrigerate until set


Zoë xx


Monday 5 October 2015

A Holiday in Noosa

In the first week of the holidays my family and I went on a little holiday to Noosa on the sunshine coast. It is one seriously relaxing place with some unbelievable food. In the five days we were there we managed to do A LOT including visiting the national park, checking out Peregian beach, Hastings Street, the Eumundi markets and a collection of little side towns like Kenilworth, Imbul and Cooroy, which had the most beautiful botanical gardens. Above all, my primary judging criteria when visiting a new place has to be the quality of food I can have the great pleasure to sample while I'm there. It would have to be the understatement of the century to say that Noosa's resurants and cafes like Zachary's, The Lazy River Cafe and LowKey fully exceded my criteria. All in all it was wonderfully relaxing and just the right kind of excapism I needed to recharge before my last term of high school. If your from the south east, this is definitely a place you should check out.

Zoë xx

Sunday 20 September 2015

What I got for my Birthday 2015

Hello everyone,

It was recently my birthday and as a result, I received an abundance of lovely gifts from some lovely people. In an attempt to prolong the birthday hysteria and make the celebrations last an embarrassing length of time, I took some photos, wrote a few comments and compiled a birthday present blog post for your hungry eyes to browse. Enjoy!

These adorable cupcake cases.

This gorgeous watch from fossil - my dreams have come true.

not to mention the super cool tin case it comes in.

This super pretty and delicate flower ring from Pandora.

This is a really cool set of free trade incense sticks that you burn in this little tiny bowl. 

continuing with my love of tiny things, this is a matchbox sized message in a bottle kit in case I get shipwrecked - a necessity. 

Since I was a kid, I've always wanted a leather bound secret little book that I could write or draw things in - now I have one and I couldn't be more chuffed.

This is an oil and wax burner in a very nice colour. 

I have a bit of a thing for teacups and this little pale blue Maxwell Williams 'blush' range cup is the newest addition to my collection. 

These adorable little sterling silver elephant earrings - elephants and jewelry in one, how could you complain?

and this sterling silver necklace with a Virgo symbol pendant

this yummy Lush soap in the scent 'Karma'

This adorable peter pan collar dragonfly dress from princess highway

A rather lovely floral skirt from dotti.

A colouring in book with quotes on each page. You are never too old to colour in. 

Two lovely journals both of which I have already written in.

The infernal devices series from Cassandra Clare - a great holiday read.


and last but not least, this amazing green satchel bag from princess highway.

Hope you enjoyed :)

Zoë xx